Would you like to be involved?
Getting Involved
We achieve a diverse range of activities through the generosity and goodwill of volunteers.
A willing heart is all you need and if any training is required it will be given.
Areas where you can contribute are listed below in no particular order. If you find something that interests you, please click on the contact us button or speak directly to the listed contact person.
Interested in volunteering with Re:dish? Visit their Facebook Page to get information about current vacancies.
Join the rota of people who lead the intercessions during services.
Intercessors lead the congregation in praying for other people, for our community, for the Church, for the world and for God’s kingdom.
Coffee preparation and serving at the end of Sunday services.
If you would be interested in helping to serve tea and coffee approximately once every 4 weeks, please contact us, or speak to Terry.
Join the rota of those who read Bible passages in church services.
PCC Membership
The Parochial Church Council helps to make decision about the organisation of the church and it’s direction. The PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the church.
PCC members are typically elected once a year at the AGM. If you feel you have the skills and experience to contribute to our PCC, please contact us.
Please note, you must be on the St. Elisabeth’s Electoral Roll in order to stand for election to the PCC.
Deanery Synod
Represent the views of St Elisabeth’s at a Deanery Level.
Sidespeople (Welcomers)
Sidespeople play a vital role in welcoming people to our church and helping to enable the smooth running of services.
Licensed Lay Assistants
Lay Assistants are nominated by the incumbent, approved by the PCC and licensed by the Bishop for the administration of Holy Communion. For more information about becoming a Lay Assistant, contact Rev. Angie.
Click here to find out more about getting involved with music at St. Elisabeth’s.
We’re always looking for new ways to generate the income we need to keep St. Elisabeth’s open and working for the benefit of the parish! If you have any fundraising ideas or would like to join our Fundraising Committee, please contact us!
Children’s Ministry
We are always looking to recruit more people to work with the children and young people in our congregation and parish. For more information about opportunities to work in children’s ministry, contact Rev. Alison.
Please note that everyone who works with children or young people must be DBS checked.
Do you have green-fingers and spare time? Help maintain the grounds at St. Elisabeth’s and ensure that the church continues to be a beautiful landmark in Reddish.