Weddings at St Elisabeth's
You’re Welcome Here
Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage!
St Elisabeth’s loves to help people celebrate and few celebrations are bigger than a wedding. We would be delighted for you to choose St. Elisabeth’s to hold your ceremony.
We are blessed to have a beautiful Grade 1 listed building, which can add an amazing historical dimension to your special day.
If you choose to marry in church, we want it to be a day that is personal to you and our clergy will happily work with you to ensure that the church and ceremony reflect you as a couple. With the help of our clergy, you can makes choices about your hymns and music, readings and what sort of prayers you would like. It’s up to you what you wear and whether you have one ring or two. If the church and the Vicar are free, you can marry on any day of the week. And with the Vicar’s help, you can make choices about what type of words are used in the service.
St. Elisabeth’s can comfortably seat up to 230, and we will endeavour to help you to get married at a time and on a date that suits you.
We are an accessible church, with an access ramp and an Induction Loop.
In addition to helping to arrange your actual wedding ceremony, our clergy are also happy to give you guidance and support as you move towards starting married life together.
To find out more about the practicalities and legalities of a Church of England wedding, visit yourchurchwedding.org.
The best way to start the process of getting married at St. Elisabeth’s is to contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time for you to meet.
From 21 June - The PCC have set the maximum number of attendees at 40 (including children).
A track and trace list needs to be provided.