Pastoral Care
We are all on a journey through life and we are not on that journey alone.
Our approach to caring for our community is based upon Jesus’ command:
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
Prayer List
Each week we pray for; the sick, both in hospital or at home; those who are to be/have been baptized recently; those who have died recently; anniversaries of love ones who have died and any other current issues. If you wish to add a name to this list, please contact us.
It is important to note that if anyone wishes a deceased loved one to be remembered on the anniversary of his or her death, we keep a special list and only the names on this list will be included. The names on this list are read out on the Sunday preceding the anniversary date.
Home Communion
The clergy are always pleased to be asked to visit at home or in hospital, anyone who lives in the parish or is connected with St. Elisabeth’s. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the tabernacle and can be taken on request to any sick or infirm parishioner.
Our Pastoral Care Team
Here at St. Elisabeth’s we have a Pastoral Care Team on hand and willing to visit the lonely, the bereaved, the elderly and the isolated.
Our team of volunteers visits people in their homes, in hospital or in a place of mutual convenience. They visit people of any or no faith.
Last year we were invited to extend this service by teaming up with AgeUK, NHS Stockport and local housing associations to develop Re:dish’s Common Ground project so that we might visit more of the vulnerable and housebound people in Reddish.
Members of our team have been trained by the Diocesan Laity Development Officer for the ministry of Pastoral Care and are fully DBS checked. Our team visits people in hospital or at home to listen, offer practical help and support and to befriend. This is not necessarily a religious visit, but a befriending service, at a time when more and more people need to feel secure in their homes, and have a friendly face to see regularly.
Meet our Team
Noreen Lomax
Doreen Litchfield
Molly Jones
Doreen Knott
Barbara Turner
Lyn Storer
Anne Irving
Judy Sutherland